the first half is deadly boring and seems nonsense to me, neither Shakespeare nor Viola is good enough to be entitled with that name, as for the second half, what i saw is a well-performed play and a wise and sensible queen, which bring the whole movie to a climax end
英语骂人的艺术精髓全部集中在里面..一句话出现N次fucking和fuck之类的词导演和编剧你们太牛了...铁腕教官演的最好~特别是他们那个晨跑的时候那种调子唱:“胡志明 is a son of the bitch”的时候笑死了啊哈哈哈其他的都可以选择性忽略了~因为特点太突出压过了所有的东西NICE~~